In The Time Of…

In The Time Of…

Home About Portfolio In Progress INSTALLATION “In the Time Of…” “Between the ideaAnd the reality…Between the potencyAnd the existenceBetween the essenceAnd the descentFalls the Shadow– T.S. Eliot, The Hollow Men The video installation “In the Time...
Way Station

Way Station

Home About Portfolio In Progress INSTALLATION Way Station “Through the unknown, remembered gate When the last of earth left to discover Is that which was the beginning…”- T.S.Eliot, Little Gidding, Four Quartets This recent project references the artist’s Norse...
The Crossing Place

The Crossing Place

Home About Portfolio In Progress INSTALLATION The crossing place This recently completed work can be viewed as one projected video, or as a triptych with 2 additional video elements that elaborate on aspects of the conveging stories. The Crossing Place explores...


Home About Portfolio In Progress INSTALLATION fall/flow Growing out of a series of works that explored life’s thresholds, transitions, and passages, this work continues the idea of integrating the viewer within the video image, conjuring up the experience of immersion...


Home About Portfolio In Progress INSTALLATION portal Through projected video on a series of sheer fabric walls or veils, Portal creates a scenario in which the viewer engages with and literally passes through the video image.The piece explores the fertility of the...