

Home About Portfolio In Progress VIDEO JOURNEY This installation features as a central motif, the image of a white horse approaching the camera in an endless loop. Overlaid on this image are constantly shifting veils of imagery gleaned from the artist’s...
Elegy: A Meditation on Mortality

Elegy: A Meditation on Mortality

Home About Portfolio In Progress VIDEO elegy…a mediation on mortality Elegy considers the basic human experience of bodily fragility and the inevitability of death. Moving beyond this inherently melancholy theme, the artist expresses an affirmative engagement...
The Autonomous Eye

The Autonomous Eye

Home About Portfolio In Progress VIDEO the autonomous eye  Two women take control of the means of viewing and representation, attempting to affirm an independent means of constructing female identity. The Autonomous Eye is an exploration of the medium of video through...
Conversation Piece

Conversation Piece

Home About Portfolio In Progress VIDEO conversation piece A collaborative work with English artist Charlie Holmes, which explores the displacement of gender, semantics and culture through parallel text and imagery of a house interior, metaphorically forming a third...
Angelus Intimus

Angelus Intimus

Home About Portfolio In Progress VIDEO ANGELUS INTIMUS  Angelus Intimus looks at the power of dictated gender roles. It questions the position of the observer and the observed, and the unconscious images that operate in male/female relationships. As a female producer...